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lightning rod 1. 避雷針。2.噴氣式戰斗機。

lightning strike

The protective area of lightning rod was analyzed and simulated with computer . a standpoint using “ global five lightning rod ” to increase base station capacity of resisting flank attack lightning is proposed . . according to principle of faraday screen cage , a standpoint using “ accessorial earth net by mixed grounding ” to increase base station capacity for discharging quickly as lightning rod lead lightning is presented 根據法拉第屏蔽籠的屏蔽原理,對基站建筑物的屏蔽接地、防雷地網提出了采用“混合接地體輔助地網”對基站建筑物的“基礎接地”進行改進,提高了基站接閃器“引雷”放電時的快速瀉電能力。

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the protection area and calculate the basic tache of the computer aided design about the protection area of the lightning rod in order to verify the protection area , manual calculation and plotting methods are usually used by designing departments and running units 本論文的目的是通過對避雷針保護范圍的分析,對避雷針保護范圍的計算機輔助設計基礎環節進行了相應的計算。在設計部門或運行單位為了校驗避雷針(線)的保護范圍,通常采用手工計算及繪圖辦法。

On this condition the thesis proposes the computer aided design method about the protection area of lightning rod . on the basis of the forming principle , basic characteristics and main harm of lightning , this thesis firstly introduces the development of lightning protection , then discusses the principle of lightning rod protection and the calculation method of protection area through the analysis and introduction to additional calculation method ? electrical geometry construct , an improved measure is put forward in this paper 本文就是在此基礎上,提出了對避雷針保護范圍的計算機輔助設計。本文從雷電的形成、基本特點及其主要危害出發,簡要介紹了防雷技術的發展過程,對避雷針保護的原理及保護范圍的計算方法做出了較詳細的闡述。通過對避雷針保護范圍傳統計算方法(電氣幾何作圖法)的分析、介紹,提出了對該方法的改進措施。

Abstract : in this paper the induced charge distribution on a spherical petroleum tank due to lightning is calcuated with analytical method , and that on a cylindrical petroleum tank is calculated with charge simulation method ( csm ) . furthermore , the protecting behavior of the lightning rod on the cylidrical tank is calculated and tested respectively 文摘:本文用解析法計算了雷電先導在球形貯油罐上的感應電荷分布,用模擬電荷法( csm )計算了雷電先導在圓柱形罐上的感應電荷分布;并對圓柱形罐上架設的避雷針的保護特性進行了計算校核和實驗校核。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 在拉姆斯菲爾德任職的六年里,這位年逾74歲的軍事主席是布什政府政策的承受批評的庇護傘,且因其為躲避各種批評,而不時發表模棱兩可的講話而出名。

Using visual lisp language to calculate and verify is a breakthrough . according to it , we can get the protection area of lightning rod with the fealures of random number , different height and asymmetry layout 用visuallisp語言來計算、校驗避雷針的保護范圍,可以同時實現任意多支、不等高、不對稱布置的避雷針的保護范圍,是傳統手工作圖法的一個新突破。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 在拉姆斯菲爾德任職的六年里,這位年逾74歲的軍事主席是布什政府政策招致批評的庇護傘,且因其為躲避言語攻擊,而不時發表模棱兩可的講話而聞名。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 拉姆斯菲爾德這位74的平民軍事領袖,在白宮當政的六年期間,一直作為布什政策的避護傘,并且因時常對尖銳砰擊的巧妙回避的回答而聞名于政壇。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 拉姆斯菲爾德執政的6年期間,這位74歲的平民軍事主席是布什政策遭遇批判時的庇護傘,并且他因為時常用些隱晦的評語來躲避眾人追問而聲名大造

Common nagging thought are short circuited and the stream of talking with myself garbage which usually inundates one s mental pipelines are given an energetic flushing out by the lightning rod roto rooter of the here and now 我之所以入定是因為執空,這只不過是執著我相的另一面而已。面對無我的實相,本應該打破自我,我反而執著于空,入了定。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 拉姆斯菲爾德在職的六年間,這位74歲的平民軍事首領一直使布什政策免受批評,并且由于其躲避流言蜚語時一貫的模棱兩可的評論而聞名。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 拉姆斯菲爾德在任六年間,這位74歲高齡的平民軍事領導人是布什政策的眾矢之的,他以躲避流言蜚語偶爾做出模棱兩可的評論而聞名。

During rumsfeld ' s six years in office , the 74 - year - old civilian military chief was a lightning rod for criticism of bush ' s policies and became known for his sometimes delphic comments as he dodged verbal bullets 在拉姆斯菲爾德任職的6年期間,這位74歲的平民軍事領導人是布什政策遭抨擊時的避雷針,他也因含糊其辭的閃避各種評論而著稱。

Famous for his electrical experiments , this founding father invented the iron furnace ( a . k . a . the franklin stove ) , the lightning rod , bifocals and a carriage odometer , among other things 他的電流實驗非常有名,他發明了鐵熔爐,也叫弗蘭克林熔爐,以及避雷針、雙光眼鏡、車架里程表和其他器件。

Mjc : an external lightning protection system ( lps ) means , to me , that lightning rods , related cabling and a building grounding method are already in place 按我的理解,外部雷擊防護系統( lps )所指的是已經在位的避雷針、相關的引線導體及建筑物的接地方式。

An external lightning protection system ( lps ) means , to me , that lightning rods , related cabling and a building grounding method are already in place 按我的理解,外部雷擊防護系統( lps )所指的是已經在位的避雷針、相關的引線導體及建筑物的接地方式。

First some of the things , ben franklin invented the lightning rod ; he created the first wood stove with a pipe out the back that extended through the wall 他發明的東西當中有避雷針;他還創造了第一個木制火爐,從背后通出一根煙囪管子插到墻劈里去。

Inspired by these ideas , in 1752 franklin developed a practical lightning rod 富蘭克林受這些想法的啟發,于1752年發明了一種實用的避雷針。

I ' m like a fucking lightning rod . - all right . fine . what do i do 我就象一個他媽的避雷針-好,沒問題。我該怎么做?